Thursday, November 21, 2013


 I see, Quantum, that you have learned nothing from my previous replies to your assertions, and still repeat the canard that Obamacare is "socialized medicine," which demonstrates that you continue to be an adamant political idiot.I replied to your assetion previously here: COURSE Obamacare Exchanges Will Be ManipulatedI added my kinds of typical replies there to your previous false definition of Obamacare as being "socialist."For an explanation that that label is FALSE: What You're Not Being ToldThere are NO good labels for what actually exists, however, here is about four hours on the history of REAL plutocracy. Power PrincipleObamacare is more fascist plutocracy, than socialism, because it is about the insurance companies being the MIDDLEMEN, that make everything more expensive, while their services are forced upon people by the government. Obamacare is corporatist, NOT socialist!That is like the government turning over the power of the monetary system to private banks, except this time it is turning over the power over health care to insurance companies. The thing they both have in common is that the IRS is the enforcement arm of the privatization of powers of governments, which were transferred to private corporations."Socialism is an economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy.""Corporatism is the socio-political organization of a society by major interest groups, or corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of common interests."Corporatism, or fascist plutocracy, is a system whereby corporations control the government, for the benefit of the corporations. Its most important form is the existence of the Federal Reserve Board. However, the emergence of Obamacare is a huge step to advance corporatism, by having the government force everyone to go through the MIDDLEMEN, the private insurance companies.There is NO social ownership of the medical care system, nor the medical means of production, and no other cooperation than to have the IRS be able to force everyone to participate in the private health care insurance systems. There IS that major interest group, which has successfully lobbied to have Obamacare become law.However, as I explained in my reply above, as well as I repeat was explained in that video I linked above, people who believe Obamacare is "socialism" are political idiots that were tricked to believe in lies. Those who still believe that, after looking more closely, must be particularly adamant political idiots.I REPEAT MY BASIC OVERVIEW: - Blinding You With Science"It was a natural and normal assumption that every other field of study could benefit from the application of scientific methods and insights. So, therefore, why not the management of human affairs through government?"BECAUSE THE OLDEST AND BEST DEVELOPED SOCIAL SCIENCE IS WARFARE, AND SUCCESS IN WARFARE WAS BASED ON DECEITS, EVERYTHING ELSE IN NEOLITHIC CIVILIZATION WAS BUILT ON THAT FOUNDATION.GOVERNMENT IS ORGANIZED CRIME, CONTROLLED BY THE BEST ORGANIZED GANG OF CRIMINALS. Therefore, more scientific management of human affairs is ALWAYS more scientific management of organized crime. Furthermore, it can not be any other way, since human civilization is the expression of basic energy system laws, in the special case of human beings, which can build self-reflexive models of the world, with which to guide their behavior. However, that ability to operate a conscious model of the world then simultaneously opens the way to have deceits work through the levels of those self-reflexive models.The PROBLEM is that our real human ecology was built on the history of warfare developing murder systems, therefore, the actual medical system evolved in the context of a monetary system based on frauds, inside of a military system based on deceits. Obamacare is merely more of that madness.’s-obamacare-announcement-meansWhat This Morning’s Obamacare Announcement MeansOF COURSE, "The result is a breakdown in the rule of law and an arbitrary system in which the government operates, not according to predictable standards and meaningful rules, but according to political whim and in arbitrary, day-to-day, ad hoc manner."The international bankers that control the government of the USA already know that their pyramid scheme of debt slavery has grown at an exponential rate until it has produced a situation where its numbers are debt insanity, which have no mathematical ways to ever be fixed again. Therefore, since money is measurement backed by murder, and the debt slavery money system has ALREADY become debt insanity, the "solutions" are for there to manifest death insanities. Signs That Obamacare Is Going To Wreck The U.S. Economy's Fatal FlawObamacare is merely another symptom of the general psychotic breakdown of the USA, which is primarily due to its history of being controlled by legalized lies, backed by legalized violence, automatically running away with itself at an exponentially accelerating rate. True "public health care" can not be properly comprehended outside of a systematic appreciation of the overall human ecology. However, America is the greatest manifestation yet of the social pyramid system of the Neolithic style of civilization, which was primarily based upon slavery. Slavery never went away, it merely became more sophisticated, and the inability of most people to see that enabled those more sophisticated forms of slavery to run rampant, without any effective opposition. Everyone living in America is living inside of a debt slavery system, whose numbers are on exponential growth curves, to become debt insanity. Americans are generally the victims of the best brainwashing that money could buy. The most scientific psychology was applied to condition most of them to become incompetent political idiots. The real system is Wolves in sheep's clothing, making sure that enough people become Zombie Sheeple, who are kept ignorant and afraid, so that they can be controlled. Obamacare is merely more of that worm turning. Plan Is Not WorkingObamacare could not fail as badly as it has unless it was deliberately being designed to fail that badly. Nobody can understand what the government of the USA is really doing unless they go through the processes of thinking about how both the events on 9/11/2001, and the financial crises in 2008, were deliberately designed to happen, as INSIDE JOBS, within a global agenda. The people who are making profit from killing off the American Democratic Republic know what they are doing, and they are getting away with that because the majority of Americans do not."Health Care" is something like 17% of the economy, headed towards maybe 20% ... However, it is NOT "Health Care!" It is actually a profit from disease system, which was put in place during the past Century or so by the banksters and their buddies, through the same means as they captured control over the government generally. In particular, foundations funded by the most wealthy people were systematically able to use their ability to fund medical schools, and medical journals, as well as to lobby and fund politicians, to give every possible legal advantage to the dominant profit from disease form of medicine. That did not happen by accident. Of course, it was justified by fragmented, fraudulent "science" pretending to be rational, while actually rationalizing deliberate ignorance towards the basic sciences that should have been applied to understand a better health care system. A Century ago, various forms of alternative medicine were on a more even footing. Today, the dominant monopolizing form of "medicine," which is the profit from disease system, has every legal advantage to advance itself, while suppressing all the other alternatives. That set of problems goes as deep as one wishes to go down that rabbit hole!THE MADNESS SURROUNDING MEDICAL MARIJUANA IS THE SINGLE SIMPLEST SYMBOL OF THE MADNESS OF HOW OBAMACARE REALLY OPERATES.Generally speaking, it is practically impossible to get the masses of mainstream morons to begin to understand what is really going on, because they have been too successfully conditioned to not want to know. Obamacare is merely the latest wave of these tsunamis of legalized lies, backed by legalized lies, which are going to finish destroying the American democratic republic, because that is what was planned to be done by the people that control the people that control the government of the USA. Obamacare is the basic insanity of the PROFIT FROM DISEASE SYSTEM, destroying the whole society due to its overall absurd contradictions which make more profit from more disease and suffering, and therefore, does not prevent that, but rather increases it, aided and abetted by the profit from junk food system, and every other interlocking social insanity which now almost totally dominates the USA, as well as almost the whole world.Fake medicine MUST manifest as being done by professional liars, and immaculate hypocrites, since they can not tell more radical truth to the people, because almost nobody wants to hear that kind of radical truth. Therefore, it continues to be all too common for political idiots to repeat the obviously false statement that Obamacare is "socialist," while those who do that continue to deliberately ignore all the arguments that prove that assertion is false.On the basis of the view that people get the government that they deserve, one could rationalize that the collective stupidity of the vast majority of Amiercans justifies that they are being fleeced to exhaustion, and being set up to be slaughtered off. But nevertheless, I still feel sorry for the young people who were born into that system, and otherwise are not to blame for how bad it is.

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